TALD (Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan) v. 1.0.0 Now Public
The Linguistic Convergence Laboratory has released TALD: the Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan. This new resource provides information about linguistic structures that are characteristic of Daghestan, and offers different types of map visualizations to illustrate the geographical and genealogical distribution of features.

Members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia
On November 3-5, the members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia.
The School of Linguistics hosted a series of lectures on the foundations of language evolution by the member of Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Damian Blasi
From February 4 to March 20, the School of Linguistics hosted a series of lectures on the foundations of language evolution. The course was read by Damian Blasi, the member of Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, an author and co-author of works on fundamental problems in creole linguistics, linguistic symbolism and the history of linguistic diversity. In his lectures Damian Blasi considered both the main aspects of the theory of the language evolution, as well as more narrow topics, such as the structure of animal communication systems and their differences from human language, the time of the speech appearance in humans, biological and genetic foundations of language ability, multilingualism, and models of linguistic evolution.

An article by members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory was published in the journal “Language variation and change”
From a northern village to an academic article, or How many linguists do you need to describe variation in Russian dialect?
New International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia
The Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and the School of Linguistics are organizing an International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia.
Members of the laboratory participated in the 16th Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars
From November 21 to 23, members of the laboratory attended the 16th Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars which was held in Saint Petersburg.
Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language
Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language, edited by Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and Dmitry Ganenkov of the Laboratory of Caucasian languages.

Members of the Laboratory Participated in International Conferences
At the end of the summer members of the Laboratory presented their researches at two large international conferences on linguistics — SLE and ALT.