Linguistic Convergence Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions
Linguistic Convergence Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of language contact; language corpora; linguistic typology; sociolinguistics; languages of the Caucasus; languages of Russia.
In 2021, members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory published three articles on the Russian language in Dagestan
Dagestan is a relatively new territory for the spread of the Russian language. At the end of the 19th century, very few people spoke Russian here. In addition to indigenous languages, which Dagestan is very rich in (linguists count more than forty languages in this small territory), local people spoke Azerbaijani, Georgian, Chechen and Arabic. But there has never been a language common for all residents of Dagestan (the language of interethnic communication or lingua franca). Russian became the first such language for Dagestan.

Members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia
On November 3-5, the members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia.