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Dmitry Ganenkov (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft) Causative in Dargwa infinitival constructions

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Event ended

In this talk, I report on a work-in-progress concerning the behavior of the morphological causative inside infinitival (obligatory control) constructions in Dargwa, as shown in (1). 

(1)     nab          [ ħe-zi       ʡinc-bi            d-iʡ-aq-es ]                 dig-ul-ra          
         I(dat)       2sg-loc   apple-pl(abs)   n.pl-steal:pf-caus-inf       want-dur-1
         ‘I want you to steal apples.’ 

Based on the appearance of example (1), we might expect it to mean ‘I want to make you steal apples.’ However, the presence of the causative construction in the embedded clause is not reflected in the semantics, since the sentence in (1) cannot be understood as expressing a want to cause the stealing. Instead, as the translation of (1) shows, the embedded clause is non-controlled, with the locative “causee” understood as the agent of the embedded event. I present an overview of the phenomenon across Dargwa and concentrate on the details of the construction in Standard/Aqusha Dargwa.